My Thoughts on the Current State of The World…

I am not a person who likes controversy. I tend to keep my opinion to myself so not to piss people off. (Yes, I am a people-pleaser.). However lately, it is getting more and more difficult to do. Over the last few months when I sign on to my social media accounts or to CNN or local news channel, it is blasted with fighting, ugliness, hatred. Everywhere I turn there is some group that hates another group or there is someone who has been offended by something that someone has said or there is someone who shoots their mouth off and says horrible things offending hundreds of people.

It is disheartening that this is where our country, our world has turned. And the worst part is the reason for all the hatred, fighting is because we are all different. We are different skin colors, different religions, different political parties, different income brackets–we are ALL different. The thing is this isn’t new. We have all always been different, so why over the last few years has it become an issue? Why is it that this country is no longer sticking together?

I have seen the Black Lives Matter. I have seen All Lives Matter. I have seen the Thin Blue Line. I have seen the White People for Black Lives Matter. I mean really? Yes, black lives DO matter. Yes, ALL lives matter. Yes, Police Officers matter. Yes, white people for black lives matter. WE ALL MATTER!!!!!! We are all human beings. We all bleed the same way. We are all living, breathing, bleeding human beings.

I think it is horrible the way people are treated in this country. If you don’t have money, if you are a different skin color, if you have an addiction or mental illness, if you are of a certain religion then you are looked down on. What I think some people fail to realize is every single person in this world is one bad decision, wrong choice, one paycheck away from being the people they are looking down on. Is this what we want to pass on to our future generations?

These are definitely not the lessons I want my children and grandchildren to know. I want them to know humility. I want them to know compassion. I want them to know understanding. I want them to know empathy. I want them to know LOVE. It is time to focus on the fact we all bleed the same color. Together we can accomplish anything. Together we can get this country back on track to be a wonderful place to live.

Together we can….









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