Time For An Update…2020

Well, I haven’t written much, actually, I haven’t written at all since my last post. There are a number of reasons why, and I could list them all, but I am not going to rehash negative from last 2 1/2 years instead I am updating the positive. Once I update, I plan on continuing to write and share, and maybe somewhere my story will help someone in some sort of way. Before I start, I will be editing names to protect the privacy as my stories are true stories. Alright here we go…

In the last 2 1/2 years quite a lot has happened in my life, my children’s lives, my families lives, and not to mention in the world. My boys are older (duh). My older son, I will call “X”, will be 22 next month.  He is out of the military and back home. He is living with and working with his dad. He has been through it, personally, over the last 2 1/2 years. That is not my story to tell. He and I have not had a conversation about this, however I, myself, feel that is his story, and I totally respect him and his privacy. What I will say is that I could not be prouder of the man he has become and is continuing to become. I am so happy he is back home and is safe, what Mom wouldn’t be happy for those things. I have always said he is destined for great things, and I still have no doubt about that.

My younger son, “J”, is newly 16 and just finished his sophomore year in high school. He has worked hard the last 2 1/2 years in several aspects of his life. He has been one of the managers of the varsity high school football team. He has maintained A’s and B’s in his classes the last couple years. He competed in Special Olympics Track and Field his 8th grade year, and his team won gold at State that year. He went on to start basketball with Special Olympics his Freshman year. However, during the last half of his freshman year, while at school, during PE, he dislocated his knee, sprained his ankle, and severely bruised his foot.  He was unable to finish the season, and as if that wasn’t enough, he was then told his knee would not be rehab’d enough, and he would not be able to compete in the upcoming season with Special Olympics Track and Field. I was worried this would not set well with him, and at first, he was upset, but kids surprise you. They surprise you, and they are very resilient. He came back from his knee, ankle, foot injury, 30 pounds lighter, and he was ready to go. He is still manager of the varsity football team of his high school. He has made a lot of great friends. He has grown up A LOT!! He got braces this past year, which he was not happy about. But if I remember correctly, I was not real excited about it either. He still struggles with certain areas of his life, as he will the rest of his life, but who doesn’t. He has a girlfriend which he is very happy to be with and makes him really happy. Mom, well, I could do without that, but that is my baby. LOL! He will be a Junior when school starts back. It doesn’t seem possible at all. Just like my older son, I am so very proud of the young man he is becoming, and I know he is going to be. Every time there is a hurdle to be crossed, we will cross it, ready for the next.

I guess that leaves it to me now. Well, just like everyone, my journey is ever changing. My Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and the gazillion other diagnosis’s I have received over the last few years have finally become pretty manageable. I have struggled quite a bit over the last couple of years. I lost my maternal grandmother, Ma. I hadn’t seen her or been with that side of my family for several years for multiple reasons. However, I was able to see her several times prior to her passing away. It was a really difficult time. While I had not been around that side of my family for some time, I still loved her more than I think she ever knew. After going through that, I ended up relapsing again. Each time I relapse it is with something I never had a problem with before which only makes the fact that I am an addict, and I cannot use ANY mind or mood altering substances, even clearer.  I am not sure why I still cannot grasp that?? Each time I hit a different bottom, each time the consequences are different, each time the consequences are more severe. However, I can say I managed to get clean and pull myself together once again. I went back to work, which was one of the best things I did. (Idle hands…) I worked at Camp Happy Days over the Summer. It is a Summer Day Camp for Special Needs children and adults. I love it. It is stressful. It is hot. But it is absolutely worth it. As the summer started coming to a close, I made a huge decision, and applied with Warren County Public Schools. While the biggest portion of my adulthood was spent working at the State Food Stamp/Medicaid office, I also had many other jobs in a lot of other fields, which allowed me to be eligible for multiple positions. I was scared I was biting off more than I could chew in applying for positions that were actually “big” jobs. One thing I know about more than most other job descriptions is working with Special Populations, Special Needs children. So, I jumped. I applied for, interviewed for, and was hired as a Special Needs Resource Assistant. Now, to say I was nervous was an understatement, but I did it. And I LOVE IT!!! I just finished, well have almost finished, my first year, and I am ready for my second year. Gosh, these kids, are absolutely amazing. I cannot imagine NOT working there. The students are amazing and my co-workers are some of the best of the best! They are not just my co-workers, they are my good friends, they are my new family.

Well, I have no doubt I have left things out of the last two years, but if I got you completely caught up then there wouldn’t be much to come back for now would there? LOL!

Sooooo until next time….

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